They call it Africa, we call it home was an advert I saw whilst I was in Dar Es Salaam.
It's a clever sentence and for me it fits nicely with the title of my blog don't you think?
Whisk me Back to the Motherland....
Unfortunately for me, the only country I have been to in Africa is Ghana, which is where I am originally from. I do have plans to visit more countries in the continent however. My friend Huda and I decided in our early twenties that we would do an Africa trip. From Kigali, to Mogadishu, Accra to Gabarone. It has to be done...the continent is massive!
Anyways, I had the pleasure of visiting Tanzania with my sister for our dear friends wedding.. I want to share my journey with you...It was too amazing not to document!
Happy Reading!
Day One - Arrival
My sister and I left our loveable but worrisome father at Heathrow Airport and although sad to leave him, we were more than excited for our adventure ahead. Our flight was a long one. 11 hours to be exact, with a stop over in Kenya for an hour. I didn't mind so much and to be honest the stop over meant I could add another African country to my tick list. I had a lot of the time we went was the time of the Westgate bombings in Kenya. There has to be one conversation I can never forget...
Me: I'm going to Tanzania for a week!
Him: it safe there?
Me:'s fine. I do however stop by Nairobi Airport for one hour
Him: Oh...don't worry, i'm sure Nairobi Airport is the safest place in the CONTINENT
Kenya Airways is on point! Ignore the negative reviews! |
Continent? Really? I was fuming after he said that. Why oh why do we have the most negative representation in the world? I constantly ask God this question. I guess, it's up to us to revoke that image and show Africa to be the beautiful place it is.
That topic takes me on a tangent, so let me continue with my original story..
We arrived in Nairobi airport tired and dry, we rested a little and continued with our journey to Dar Es Salaam.
When we did finally arrive, we were greeted by not only our beautiful bride to be but... Shuku (hubbie to be), Lenah (younger sis) and Naomi (niece) It was an emotional moment. I'm sure half of the people at Julius Nyerere Airport thought we were mad. The day was extremely rushed and there was no time at all for tiredness. After we were picked up, we quickly visited home and dropped off our luggage. The first stop was a dress fitting for Rehema's kitchen party that was due to happen later that evening. We were tired and pretty weak but it was still fun. The sun was shining and we were around beautiful company. #aintnotbodygottimefortiredness haha!
After the fitting we quickly went home for a quick meal of rice, matoke and beans and started to get ready for the kitchen party. The Kitchen Party is a ladies only party that celebrates the upcoming marriage of the bride. Rehema's dress was so stunning as was her sisters Lenah's. We quickly did hair and her make up and we were good to go! Both of the sisters were stunning <3. The Kitchen party was good fun.
We danced Kwaito which is a dance that is very similar to the 'electric slide candy dance' but better. It was a blessing to experience the Tanzanian wedding culture and of course eat the food. Chapati, rice, chicken, peas. I backed it all. As the bridesmaids, we also received the gifts on behalf of Rehema.
Our bride to be was beautiful stole the night.
After a tiring night as you can imagine we went straight to bed.
The Dress... |
Rehema - Make up done by yours truly! |
Isn't she lovelyyyy!
Day 2 KARIAKO (the market)
We started the day at a shopping mall called Mlimani City. It was there where we were able to change our pounds to Tanzanian shillings :-) we also managed to get wifi too so we frantically sent a few messages home and had a quick FaceTime call with mum. Rehema and Shuku then went to a handy man with a camera to film their wedding videos. I must say it was one of the most cutest things.... We got a bit tired so later decided to sit down in the car. It was here we listened to Afro beats in the car with Naomi (baby niece). She's a fan of P square and whilst we were there we saw numerous adverts for their imminent visit to Tanzania :-) One thing I did notice was the presence Nigerians have with not only their music but also film.
Kariako reminded me of Kejitia market in Kumasi - Ghana. A busy and product packed place.
We bought various things from shoes and chai tea, to ground ginger, mangoes, bananas, oranges and bracelets. We are missing out in the UK when it comes to exotic fruits seriously. I don't know if I can take a forced ripened banana or a fake mango for any longer!
We frantically searched for shoes to go with our bridesmaids dresses. That experience was funny. The shop was tiny and the guys selling the shoes were jokers. Making comments here and there. They also wore the trousers to their asses. Where they picked that style from I have no idea.

After an exhausting day we bought some ice cream and continued with our journey through Dar! We drove past the presidential house, and also a place where a lot of fish is sold. The best was when we went to the beach at night and I wrote a message in the sand (Top picture) After that we went home... We relaxed with the family, had dinner (beef, rice and peas) popped to the pharmacy and then discovered a man selling sweet fried rice cakes called Vitumbua they were deliciously, warm, oily goodness!
Day 3 - Safari - Mikumi National Park
6am start people. It was early but we were in for a four hour drive and also had to get back in time to do some wedding prep. We crossed River Ruvu. A fresh water river. We passed Uluguhru mountains too. It was great. The scenery as we drove through all these places made me think of how awesome the world is. No, not to be cliche or cheesy but honestly, when I saw the beauty of mountains, rivers etc I thought to myself, how can people see nature and not believe that God exists.
We went to the park as 'nationals' to avoid paying extortionate fees but our tour guide quickly discovered that we were not. I tried to say that the reason we couldn't speak Swahili was because we were brought up in London. He didn't fall for it. It was pretty hilarious and embarrasing.
We saw elephants, giraffe, buffaloes, antelopes, hippos, birds. The only thing missing was the lions and tigers but I guess it was too early for that!
My ladies! |
The cutest Elephant Family <3 |
On the way back we stopped by what I think was one of the most beautiful things I've seen in a long time. Mountains and a big lake. We met a group of fisherman we said they would be happy to take us for a boat ride. Oh my gosh. The canoe was tiny. I wasn't sure that it would take my weight. But it did and for the four of us too. It was amazing. The most pleasant scene. The water was fresh. As was the air and company. I would happily swap that for the pollution of London! I left feeling revitalised.
Colourful excitement |

@plantbasedwoman takes in the view...
Day 4 - Young, talented and Tanzanian
Wedding practice = fun times. Imagine being surrounded by a group of young modern and intelligent Tanzanians. That was us today! We all met in the afternoon to practice our dances for Rey's wedding. There was the bridesmaids entrance and an entrance for the bridge and groom and also the bride's sister and grooms friend. Our songs of the moment from this practice were: Marry me and Mafikizolo's Khona. When we finished practicing we ate some amazingly cooked rice and beans.
We went home after and got out hair repaired as our edgies were growing. My hair is really short at the sides and normally when I braid my hair usually it is tight for a few days then it falls out. This woman cornrowed my edges and made it look as fresh as the day i had it done!
The evening ended with another purchase of Vitumbua. Mmmmm Mmmmm Mmmmmmmm.
Day 5 - Pre wedding day!
Bride, Moi, Bride's Sis and My sis <3 |
Another day for another party! Sue and myself went to Maureen, one of the bridesmaids houses, to get ready with the rest of the bridesmaids. We did the make up for the 4 bridesmaids and also styled their hair. They were all beautiful. Their dresses were baby blue with a touch of afro print. The Pre wedding was great fun. A collaboration of the culture, colour, dancing (kwatio) and food of course. Only problem was we forgot Rehema's glass, a small gift that she was to give to Shuku, her fiancé, that night :-( but luckily someone was able to drop it at the venue for us. Sue and myself represented Ghana in our attire. We took plenty of pictures and danced the night away.
Bride with her Maids |
#Maids |
Day 6 - Tourists
We visited Mwena today, a market that is not as busy as Kariako! We managed to get gifts ranging from earrings, to rings, to artwork for good prices. The man who sold us our things was HILARIOUS! He was a rasta who told us that he had muzungo (white person) prices and African prices! We paid a little for a lot! We then did our dress fittings. And prepared for a long night of wedding preparation!
#onlyinafrica |
Day 7 - Wedding day
We woke early and Rehema changed into her wedding dress and had the final send off. This was a sad moment as this was the final departure from her parents home. She cried as did her mother but her father kept a strong face. He wisely that although he wants his daughters to marry its hard to let them go. Anita was our extra bridesmaid and she arrived at the house. We got her ready make up, hair did, everything did. A quick dress and make up fix for both Sue and myself and we were on our way. Unfortunately for me I had a nose bleed during our trip to the church. By God's miracle it stopped by time we arrived at the church! Church ceremony was lovely, Rehema and Shuku were officially married! We then went to a restaurant to have drinks and food. Wifi access and check into my flight. The celebrations continued at the venue afterwards. The evening ended with a rushed trip to the airport and a sad goodbye. It was the best wedding I had been to!
We had an amazing time, it was a week full of magic.
To the happy couple...Thank you and May God continue to bless your union.
I do... |
Sneaky |
Married! |
Bridesmaid, Maid of Honour, Bridesmaid <3 |
SwaG |
True Friendship... |
Mr and Mrs Ketorare |